Wednesday, 27 June 2012

While You Are Away

Many things happened while Hubby isn't around. Many things happened that change our life.

1. Maleec went through potty training

I think Maleec is ready to be diaper-free. I've been thinking about this since a year ago. However nobody can help me with it. My mother-in-law is busy with other grandkids and my maid that worked with me ... well.. can be said as... hopeless! I took this chance to train him. I just make him wear pants without diaper. At my hall, which has carpet on the floor, I spread the bubble wrap that I save since I got back from Kuwait. Maleec has to stay on the bubble wrap, no where else. With 2 pees on the floor and a poo on the bubble wrap, he is diaper-free now! He will tell me whenever he needs to do his business. But he still wear his diaper if we are out or when he sleep. Nonetheless, I notice that he wouldn't pee in his nap. He will wait till he wakes up! Good boy!!! Tick for Abang, tick for Mummy!

2. Aaron is walking

I'm a mother of two and I believe 100% that mothers have instinct on their kids. I have a very strong instinct that Aaron is going to walk soon. It's cute watching him learning walking. At first, he gave up. He found it is too slow to reach another point, so opt for crawling. Sooner, he starts walking though he fell most of the time. He walked like a zombie and rushed when he was about reaching his destination. Still, he can't perform with shoes on. Eventually now, he walks most of the time and can walk with shoes on! He enjoys walking at park.

3. Maleec is a parrot

Everybody waits for this little boy to talk. And now he is talking non-stop!! Though he can't make it in a sentence yet, but he can express his needs! That is the most important thing. When I bring him out, he will say out things that across him. Bird, trees, pokok, cat, whale, swimming pool, adik, and many more. At home, he can tell me he wants yummy (food), drink, pee, poo, bee (tv), bobot (Transformers movie), an others! I love to see this progress, but frankly I'm tired answering to him. LOL. Whenever I'm angry towards him and scold him, he will imitate what I say! What a cheeky young boy!

4. MERCY Malaysia

Believe it or not, I went through three times of interviews to get this job. Yeah! I got the job, as Disaster Risk Reduction Officer. I have mix feeling on this issue. Will elaborate more when time is right.

5. WHO Procurement, Cyberjaya

I went through the technical test last night. It wasn't good. Hopefully miracle happens. I want this job badly. Seriously!

6. Familia

 I had few panic attacks. LOL. But it's not funny ok! Seriously it sacred me to death. I thought I'm dying. My brother, Fazran Arief, came to accompany me for a week. It was a relieve to have him awhile. MIL and BIL came to look after the kids while I went for interview. Mummy, Uncle and other siblings always keep in touch with me, keeping me safe and sound. Thank God I'm surrounded by great people. Alhamdullillah!

 7. Facebook Page

I made a page where I sell clothes and accessories. If happens to be it isn't sell, I can wear it by myself! Hiks. Here's the link:
The idea is to get the stock while travelling. It won't be restockable. That's the beauty of it and that's the reason it is called Style- Limited Edition.

8. Aaron is One

Our baby is one year old already. How fast time flies. He is a cute cheeky liltle brother to abang, apple in mummy and daddy's eyes. He and abang are inseparable. Yes they dofight, but most of the time there are each other companion. Great to have you in the family, Adik. You just make us complete. Happy birthday sayang!

That's the major milestone so far, I guess. Can't wait to see you on this Saturday. Have a safe flight darling!

Sunday, 17 June 2012

Separuh jiwaku pergi mengiringimu

Memang! I cried while hugging Aaron when hubby left to Japan. Memang drama, kan? And Maleec brought some toys to cheer me up. He thought Mummy is like him, sour face can turn to sweet face when been bribed with toys. Perhaps, it's true. But Mummy's toys are expensive, say, LV or Gucci or Prada, even Coach pun boleh lah!

I had a panic attack. It went difficult for me to breath in breath out. I started calling my mom. And she said she will pujuk Adik, my youngest brother, to come and teman me as he is on his semester break now.

Last night, I had difficulty to sleep as well. Serba tak kena. I miss you Sayang. Rindu sangat!

Friday, 15 June 2012

Third Time is a Charm

It has been a week hubby in Japan and we are still surviving. Alhamdullillah.

today I have to dragged myself out of bed early since I have interview at 11am. It is work interview and today marked the third interview for the same position at the same organisation. Hopefully I'll get it:)

We filled up our hungry stomach at normal junction before heading to Gombak to leave the kids with their grannies. We read as me and adik ya! Maleec cried and Aaron was speechless after awhile not been sending to my in-laws' house.

Then we rushed back home for me to get ready. But yikes! I was late. I was late for nearly 10 minutes and the organisation's receptionist was on the phone, asking the details of her job interview that will take place tomorrow! Double sucks!

The whole afternoon was filling up with restocking my goods:) Adik was a great companion. thank you so much. And alhamdulliallah I have a buyer today.

Malam was quite horror. Since the pipe in teh kitchen is blocking and the floor will be flooding if we use the sink, I have to wash dirty dishes in the bathroom. This bring down my mood of cooking. Seriously. Luckily Mak packed some dish for dinner. So I just coked rice and heat up the leftover. But adik was not a great help here. Hmm... What to expect? Lower your expectation please, Fatin!

After all, it was a great tiring day!

Enjoy your weekend:)

My sunshine!

Thursday, 7 June 2012

Second Round and It's Lock!

I was super nervous today. MERCY Malaysia called for second interview and I didn't know what to expect. However, my expectation for this interview is high. I pushed myself to the end, study macam nak score four flat. Hahhaha.. Lama tak nervous macam ni.

Mak arrived with Rayyan and Apan at 12.20 noon, to look after the kids. I quickly dress up and rushed to the lrt station. Hell! I had to climb the bukit as I parked atas giler since tade parking. Paneh yang macam nak hujan pun ada. Quickly I walked to the lrt station, as I don't want to get wet to my very important interview.

I arrived early and caught puteri, Head of DRR, when she was about to head to lunch. She insisted me following her to lunch. My pleasure Puteri!

The interview went well. Quite laid back actually. I was happy to have a good chat with Head of Relief Operations. Yew is well experience person and he talked non rubbish, non political and it a very refreshing talk!

While driving back, I saw a tweet from Apan saying that Adik is locked in the bedroom! Panic ok! But when I called Apan, he said Adik is out already and our neighbour is the shining knight. Thanks Mak and Apan!

Wednesday, 6 June 2012

Attention! Attention!

Hi all,
Just wanna share with the whole world that Aaron Idris Azzumar, our second son, had started walking since... TODAY! Clap clap clap!

Yup! Fresh in my memories, still :)

Monday, 4 June 2012

Maleec's Potty Training

My day didn't start as early as the day I have to go to work. Kids were my alarm clock.

And today is Maleec's first day on potty training. He is 3 years old and still on diaper. We don't have trouble with him being on diaper, only we worry about him being unable to control his pee and poo when he is going to school next year!

So, today's mission is making Maleec diaper-free. I lay the bubble wrap sheet as I can't find the plastic sheet. i know we have it somewhere in the store room. Anyway, I spread the bubble wrap and put tape at the edge of the wrap across the carpet as the wrap's dimension is smaller than my carpet. And I put Maleec in the center of the wrap.

The training site
First pee, he peed on the wrap. Second pee was somewhere near to the dining table. Then he pood at the center on the wrap. I was telling myself that i should give him like a month to settle himself with this new environment.

But he surprised me! And that was it! After that, he seemed to understand the concept and will call me up when he feels like expressing himself!

Sunday, 3 June 2012

Weekend Without Prejudice

Another lazy weekend for us. Please take note, you gonna hear more words 'lazy' in couple of weeks since I'm jobless now!

We had breakfast at home, thanks to hubby! Lunch also nothing much as we tapau a lot from Kak Dilla's kenduri. So, there is no food issue for today.

*tade keje*

Hubby spent most of his afternoon around malls in KL as he was looking for pants. His favorite pants is torn and it torn his heart, A LOT! And my hubby is good in buying stuffs. He found working shirt and some boxers beside his pants. So, mission accomplish.

Maleec was quite aggressive today. He threw his blocks container and it hit and torn my forehead. Seriously, it is painful. Hubby was making fun on sending me to clinic to get stitches and I knew goddamn well that he was teasing me. But secretly I was scared out of shit if I really need to get stitch. Damn!

*Dahi bocor kene baling ngan balang lego dier*

While I was playing with kids and hubby was having late lunch, say at 4pm, we heard noise from the next door neighbour. We knew they were quarrelling though we can't understand them as they talk in Chinese language. But the situation went peak when we heard as it physical abuse took place and no longer can stand being silent. So I rush to the door and was hoping nothing was happening in there. it was terrible as the baby was crying. My neighbour of the floor also pouring at my next door neighbour's house. In few seconds, the door was opened and a young man, with torn shirt, hurdled out with another old lady. then came my neighbour.

The guy is her daughter's husband and was wanting to take his kid away. My neighbour told us that the man has her house key. That frightened me up! He can come at anytime and kill all of them and run away with the baby. The baby is around Aaron's age. I never see the baby though sometimes I heard him cry. I pray that nothing is happening to this family.

Ok then, I'm so tired, my whole body is aching. Nite!

Aaron first experience in the swimming pool

*This is my first entry i blog using my mobile phone.

We supposed to go to Kuantan today to attend relative's wedding. However all of us woke late so no K fuantan

*I start writing using laptop. I found it is hard to write using mobile phone, period!

Anyways, since we woke up late and found that ridiculous to drive all the way up to Kuantan to attend a wedding and drive back home on the same (total: approx. 8 hours on the road), we attended Kak Dilla's kenduri kesyukuran. It was aqiqah for her second son, Zyad Reezky.

I don't know why I always feel warm with Kak Dilla and her family. They are nice and we are always on the same page when gossiping and all. It was a great kenduri, after all, it was organised by Kak Dilla. She is well-known with delicate details, from the table settings to the cuisine, to the door gift. Memang class abis.

Late afternoon, since hubby lending his hands to help Ababg Duan cleaning up the hall, I took the chance to bring the kids to the swimming pool. Maleec was on the float awhile and he was scared at first, after a long time didn't practise swimming. Aaron on the other hand, was all excited to dip in the water. Then, Maleec let go his float for Aaron use, as Maleec found his comfortable enough to browse around the area without help. However, Aaron refused to use the float and wanted to be free in the water. Aiyo! Penat ok membongkok.

As night fall, the two exhausted kids fast asleep, leaving their parents some free time:)
Bunga telur buah tangan from KD, AD and Ziqryl