Saturday, 9 February 2013

Movie: Istanbul Aku Datang

I'm 31 years old already (yeah! I don't mind to let other people know my age). And I know sometimes I don't sound like 31 years old. But, to the heck with it! One more thing, I still enjoy watching chick flick. Hahaha.

There is so many movies that I want to watch but either I have no time to down or I don't have chance to tell Juma to get the DVDs for me.

One of my brother, Fareez, is home for Chinese New Year break. He told me he downloaded a Malay chick flick movie, 'Istanbul Aku Datang' (Istanbul, I'm Here). From the trailer, it looks appealing to me and it is one of the movie that is in the list that I should look for it and watch it.

Oh my! I just love it! Every second of it. Not even a split second bore me. What i love about that movie:

1. The costume. I love everything on Lisa's body. The top, cardigan, beret, tights, shorts, the colors, the printed, everything!

2. The cinematography. It is well plan. You can feel the tense, the joy, through it. The director has a good visual and it has become reality by his good team.

3. The story line. It was simple, predictable and sweet.  The script is not cheesy, just straight to the point. It sounds like the lay man conversation rather than trying to woo the audience with phrase that make us puke sometimes in order to sound more romantic. (I hope you get what I meant!). The script and story line managed to make people who is married (read as me!), want to fall in love again and again with their partner.

4. The actors. Lisa and Beto did a good job, kudos to them! Tomok can do better, but to expect, he is a singer, not an actor. The rest of the supporting actors too, did a wonderful job! A good team indeed. Though it is a small role to Aizat, we could see himself in that movie.

5. The music. Oh my! I loove every song in the movie. Lovely. It suits every scene.

6. The location. After watching the movie, I feel like I want to visit Istanbul. Istanbul is the next Paris then, thanks to this movie!

Congratulations to Bernad Chauly, the director, to the producers and to the actors. Good job and keep it up. Ok, need to go now. The third round of 'Istanbul Aku Datang'.

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