Thursday, 30 August 2012

Merdeka! Merdeka! Merdeka! Happy Birthday, Malaysia!

From morning till now, I’m listening to ‘Saya Anak Malaysia’ song. Tomorrow is my country’s Independence Day. I’m so thrill to celebrate as this is the 55th year Malaysia commemorating the independence of the Federation of Malaya from British colonial rule.

As for me, many years before I felt that it was just like another holiday. A little breaks during weekdays, off from office or school. But as I grew older, I started to appreciate what does it meant behind the celebration. It isn’t about the marching in front of the Merdeka Square or putting the small flag at front of our car. But it’s about the freedom to do it so.

With the freedom, I can move around my country, say what I wish to say as long as it doesn’t touch sensitive issue that might raise up unwanted spat, go to work, chill at the café, get medical assistant when I’m not well and many more.

I don’t think I’m able to enjoy it if my country is still under other’s supervision. Now, we rule our own country, we decide what we want and we freely can execute what we plan.

Unfortunately, there are many Malaysians who are not being grateful, and raise up sensitive issues which shouldn’t be discuss (i.e Malay special privileges). BERSIH Rallies are events that bring nothing but shame to our country. If you are not happy to be a Malaysian and think this country is not good enough for you, please get out from here. I believe, if you have a taste of staying abroad, you will appreciate your home country. And if you have experience staying in third world country, you will appreciate what the government had done so far to develop our country.

Thus, stop complaining. Stop asking what the country can give to you and start asking yourself what you can contribute to your motherland.




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