Sunday, 12 May 2013

Is your behaviour in your DNA?

Salam all.. How's your day today? If you are a mother, happy mother's day to you. 

My kids didn't wish me 'happy mother's day'. I also didn't receive a wishing card written in their ugly hand writing nor a necklace made from paper plate as mother' day present to me. I don't mind. As long as they are happy and healthy, I'm bless. 

A simple butter cake for my mom

But lately, I feel so tired with their naughtiness. **I guess whoever reading this and happen to be supplement dealer, will be jump from their chair and start to promote their product. 

Aaron is a hyper active child. He can't stop working, from the time he wakes up till he asleep. The only time to see him in peace is while he is sleeping, which is hardly happen. He wouldn't play with the toys we bought him, but he will play with our 'toys'. He will take my cooking utensils and pretend to be cooking. He will take  him little plastic knife and starts digging the soil, mimicking the way I take off the grass weed. He will sweep the floor and bring in the sand from outside to inside of the house. He will take the clean clothes and pretending as if he is folding them. And many more. The above I mentioned is the mild one. Sometimes he can be extreme, like mixing soy sauce and milk (as if he is making fruit juice), playing with cups and teapot, touching my precious tablet and soaking his pillow in the water. From my mother-in-law's mouth, he acts exactly like his father, Juma, when he was little. Is it a coincidence?

Playing with my wallet

Wearing my slippers, pretending to be sweeping the floor

Maleec on the other hand, wouldn't play with weird stuff. He will play with his toys. He will watch television and wouldn't let you watch it. He will throws his tantrum whenever he didn't get what he wanted. He will yell at me whenever his father is home. And all those behaviour, sounds like mine, only when I was small. Yes, I admit it, it isn't nice, but hey! I was a baby at that time. 

Maleec is making mess on the floor while watching television and Aaron... well.. he is testing his superhero power, I assume
About eating behaviour, Aaron is more like Juma. He will eat anything, in anyway, as long as it will make his tummy full. But Maleec is different. He is such a picky eater, like me. He choose what he will eat according to his mood. He doesn't like to try on new menu, as he loves to stick with what he is comfortable with. It takes such a patience for us to wait for him eating noddle. He will pick A noodle, wiggling it to remove anything stick to it (e.g egg, beansprout), pull it high paralax to his eyes as the second check, before entering it into his mouth. And it happens to each noodle in his plate. And my mother told me, it is the same step I took while eating noddle, when I was small! 

Picky eater is enjoying his fried noddle
My question is, do we inherit our behaviour? I thought it is from the lifestyle, from what the kids see the surrounding and in my case, it is on what they see their parents. I don't eat noddle at that kind of way, anymore. Juma is doesn't make mess, in fact it is the other way round He is a clean and tidy person. So where is these behaviours from? 

Friday, 10 May 2013

Met Gala 2013: Punk! 'Oi! Oi!'

Met Gala is back! The annually ball that much anticipated by celebrities, and people in fashion industries where they parade their look according to the theme. This year theme is Punk: Chaos to Couture. Let us see who gets hit and who miss it!

1. Kim Kardashian

Miss! Its chaotic! She is huge and the print, the length of the dress and the split... all are at the wrong place. Get it off!

2. Miley Cyrus

Hit! And hot! Look at her hair! That style did the talking. Simple look yet so punk!

3. Anne Hathaway

So-so. The dress is elegant. Too elegant for the theme. But Anne's look is saved by the hairstyle. Lucky her!

4. Sarah Jessica Parker

Hit! It is a print dress but it matched to her look! What's up there on your head? It looks weird  but it works!

5. Gwyneth Paltrow

So-so. A safe look, buy hey! Who can blame her. After a rough time a week ago, Gwyneth is on the strategy to cool down. I guess!

6. Gisele Bunchen

Hit! A LBD that I wish I had! One-side-hair is elegant yet demure. The dress is unique. She looks amazing!

7. Kristen Stewart

Hit! Purrrrr!! Sexy yet punky!The hair, make up, the purse... everything is well blend and it suits the theme, as trying to put it at higher level; couture.

8. Nicole Richie

Hit! I wish I have that dress. Although the hair looks horrible to me, but it gives the edgy vibe to her look. 

9. Ashley Olsen

Miss! Did anybody lose their curtain? Perhaps yours is on Ash's body. 

10. Taylor Swift

Hit! Wow! Hot! This dress made Taylor as the new Gwyneth Paltrow. You are smoking, bebeh!

I know there are many others who dress impressively and also some ridiculously. Sadly, I'm too tired and sleepy. And thank to E!online web, that's where I got all the pictures. 

Friday, 3 May 2013

Pre General Election 13- What's Hot?

Salam... In less than 24 hours, Malaysia will face their 13th General Election. Are you a Malaysian? If yes, are entitle to vote? If yes, are you voting this Sunday? I am. I'm voting in Kedah. This is not suppose to be my first General Election that I entitle to vote. Unfortunately, this is the first one that I'll exercise my right for my country. 

Here's the summary of what attract me in this GE13: 

1. The ruling party and the opposition party are leveraging the social media usage. You can find many pages in Facebook who is pro and anti the both parties. The pages also very active in updating their status with hot gossip and news. 

2. Cyber troopers, the name given to people who has knowledge in sabotaging people using information technologies.  They  spread out the sex videos (I don't know whether is real or fake) of politicians. They also will hack people's social media account. Search for Mustafa Ali, Anwar Ibrahim, Azmin Ali and enjoy! Azhar Sulaiman, an actor and who is pro BN, made police report when his Facebook account been hacked and received threaten letter. 

3. Flag war! It's everywhere! Even at shops and residents house.

Nurul Izzah Anwar and 'spring' flag in Bangsar
4. Both parties are using attractive manifestos in their campaign. In my personal opinion, I'm move with both parties' manifesto, but whether it is achievable, it is a question. For the first time in history, BN manifesto was presented live telecast throughout the country!

5. Few member of party, both ruling and opposition, are unsatisfied with the chosen candidates. Some taking drastic move by quitting the party and becoming independent candidate.

Datuk Kamilia Ibrahim from UMNO is not satisfy for not been elected to becoming the candidate in Kuala Kangsar, made decision to walk out from UNMO and BN and contest as Independent.

Ibrahim Ismail is out from PAS and contests as Independent for DUN Selinsing.
6. Few senior politicians are not becoming the candidates, either because they want to give way to the new comers or because of their past record. 

Koh Tsu Koon from Gerakan is giving way for young candidate.
7. It is a surprise to see few politicians are jumping from their previous party to the other.

Read more here, here and here.

8. For the first time in the history, PAS, DAP and PKR are united under one roof: Pakatan Rakyat and stand as an opposition party.

9. Therefore, in a seat, the candidate has to be determine whether from PAS, PKR or DAP. As this is the first time for them to team up, the distribution comes along with the rumors of unsatisfactions. Unlike BN that has years of experience in distributing the seat according to the strength of the support in the area, the Opposition party can't really tell whether the supporters will support the candidate of theirs.

Read more here.

10. We also can see some hot seats, but the most interesting for me is at Gelang Patah; between Ghani Othman and Lim Kit Siang.

Lim Kit Siang is testing Abdul Ghani's strength in Gelang Patah
11. This is the second time for the current king to dissolve a parliament. The first time he dissolved was when Tun Razak as Malaysia Prime Minister. And now, his son, Najib Tun Razak is the Prime Minister. Najib also seek the King's permission to dissolve the Parliament on the anniversary of his service. 

Najib Tun Razak and DYMM Sultan Abdul Halim 
So to my fellow Malaysians, please exercise your right. 

Thursday, 2 May 2013

Rosey Kisses and chocolate chips cookies

Salam all.... Today is the last day before I'm off to my hometown for the upcoming General Election (GE). Juma is away in Australia for few weeks and I'll be at my mom's for at least a week. 

Today I did rosey kisses. It's a meringue and what you need are just egg white and sugar. Then you can drop the flavour that you wish. 

Ready to be pop in the oven
This is specially for sweet tooth persons and suitable for party. I did this for a customer and I charge rm25/ 200gm. I also can do it in lemon, lime and orange flavour. 

Can you see the beautiful peak?
Two days earlier, I've prepared chocolate chips cookies. You can get the recipe here. I did with walnut, hazelnut and one batch with mint. Juma loves it so much!You can get your chocolate cookies customize with your choice of nuts and flavour as well!  You can order from me at the price of rm35 of a container. It is suitable at any time, any where and any occasion.

Chocolate chips cookies: Mint flavour

Chocolate chips cookies: With hazelnut
I've packing my stuff for my stay at my mom's. After travelling alone with the kids for few times, I'm kind of good at packing the stuff. Which means I don't carry extra luggage for unnecessary stuff.  

For tea break: Cucur kodok
Till then, see you again. 

P/s : please pray for a safe and smooth journey for me.