Friday, 29 March 2013

Gas and Car Key Remote: How important they are in my life


It's Saturday night and in 10 years ago, at this hour, I usually just got out from my house, dress to nine, hopping from one club to another. If not clubbing, I would be hanging out with friends at mamak or cafe till late at night. And if Juma is around, he will fetch me for late night movies or karaoke. But now, I'm on bed, in the dark, with my laptop, prepare to rest and sleep. Aaron is fast asleep and Maleec is at downstairs, watching cartoons. 

What is special about tonight is that Juma will be home after almost a month he is in Bangkok. At last, the kids are able to cuddle with their beloved daddy. I can't imagine how thrill Aaron be when he sees his daddy tomorrow morning. 

Anyway, a bit of story what happened to me today. I planned what to do today and I was so eager to work my plan. So, after bathing the kids, we were set to breakfast until I found the car key remote was in my garden and it was wet! I have only one car key remote to my car! Of course the remote can't work. 

So I cancelled the program to go out for breakfast. I fried some nuggets and boiled a kettle of water. I left the kitchen to dry the washed clothes. After awhile, I went in to flip the nuggets, only to find out tht I was running out of gas! 

I just moved into the neighborhood and have no idea where to replace the gas. Juma bought the gas earlier, along with the house contractor. So I called Amir, our house contractor. Amir promised me that he will call the shop to send the gas immediately. Few minutes later, Amir called and informed me that the shop is closed and the keeper is back to his homeland. Damn!

I ran down to my car and tried to unlock it but still failed. I really need to go out for food. If not for breakfast, but for lunch and dinner. I can't wait any longer. I determined to open it manually. Once I inserted the key at the door, the alarm started to make noise. I went into the car and tried to start the engine but failed. I have no choice but to seek for my neighbor's help. After a few drama, few heart attacked and humiliating panic, the car was ready to be use! The alarm gone, the steering is functioning and off we go! 

And that is how my morning looks like today! Happy weekend, all!

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