Friday, 8 March 2013

Your Life is in My Hand

Assalamualaikum. How are you today? For me, nothing much different with yesterday. My husband is still in Bangkok, Hans Isaac is still not able to marry Neelofa, Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie have their own wine label and Sulu terrorists are still in Sabah. 

 Few days ago, Malaysia been surprised with the news of a singer who beat her husband till death. She is the main suspect of the case, along with her two nephews. From the media, I learned that she and her nephews tied her estranged husband and beat him till death. This i to stop the husband from requesting to see their child. They are in the midst of divorce. Today, through a gossip column, a friend of the singer claims that she is the last person that the singer spoke to before she been detained by police. The friend told the media that the case is a self defense case as the husband attacked her first. The husband crashed into the house and started to beat her in front of her nephews. The nephews didn't help her until she was dropped to the floor. Both of her nephews managed to stop her husband from beating her and they used belt to tie him up. 

My question is, what is the reason can a person kill another person that they love or loved? This is not the first case we hear about a person kill their partner. How about the child kill their parents? From love to hate, what could trigger the action of killing your love ones?

From the story above and if the friend's story is the truth, the singer is not only defending her child, she also defending herself. Why she has to do the dirty work where as she can call for police's help? Perhaps the law is not securing her life and her child that she has to do what is beyond human right. 

Life is like a wheel, sometimes you are up and sometimes you are down. When we are at up, we should not forget that we might be down, too.  In making decision, we have to use our brain, not only by listening our heart. Think the consequences of the action that you plan to take. Don't do kit just because you think that is the short cut of getting out from the trouble. Think before you act. 

But the question again, how could you ended the life of the person you love? The life that we are leading is very stressful and full of surprises. We will be surprise with a person's capability to do many things that we are not think of. For example, a husband loves the wife unconditionally could kill the wife while she is nurturing their baby simply because the wife is nagging at the husband on his absence during the child delivery. 

So, be careful with your words and action. Don't think about yourself only, but think about others too. If you are tired, what make you think your partner is not tired as well. Try to avoid unnecessary argument as small matter could lead to big mistake. 

As the story I told above, if happen to be the court decided that the singer is at fault of killing her husband, their children is not only losing the father, bit also the mother. 

To my dear friends, I'm not perfect. I easily get angry especially with my kids and husband due to housework and many other reasons. But we have to think rationally on our action as we have to be responsible on that. This post is a reminder to me to always put my mind above my heart. 

Good night!

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