Thursday, 14 March 2013

Hi! Can we be friend?

Maleec learnt 'friends come and go' lesson at the very early age. As I mentioned in my earlier post that my good friend, Ainul, came over to my house.She spent few days in my house along with her two sons while her husband in the UK and Juma in Thailand, still. 

Maleec and Aaron had a good time playing with Ainul's two boys; Rais, 3, and Rizky, 1. They played, fought, quarreled and hugged at the same time. Maleec showed his fondness over Rizky and seems like giving me hint that he wanted a little brother. He called Rizky as Baby. 

If before, he would ask me to switch on the television to cartoon channel once he wakes up but from the second day onward of Ainul's stay, Maleec would asked for Friend (Rais) and Baby (Rizky). Then he rushed to the quest room, looking for the two boys, and often followed by Aaron. 

Maleec isn't a rough boy but he is quite persistent with his action, that sometimes irritate people (me!). He forced Rais to 'salam' (shake hand) with him. Although Rais refused to salam with him, he will still extending his hand and said 'syelam'. Hahaha...

So the last day of Ainul's stays arrived. We had breakfast together at mamak place before departed to our own car. Maleec was in tears when he saw Friend and Baby when to separate car. I explained to him that he will reunite with his new found friends soon. That is the same promise we make with friends whenever we have to say goodbye, although sometimes it just remains as a promise. 

My first experience of losing a person called friend was when I was 8 years old. It was hard. I still remember the tears. The emptiness. We were in the kindergarten together. Then we went to the same primary school and she was my classmate. She was my neighbour. We played together. Later she told me that her father was transferred to another location. 

I saw she packed her stuffs and I also witness her house belongings were stacked up in the lorry, ready to shift to another location. 

We kept in touch by letters and sometimes we call each other. But until a point, we stopped communicating. Her name is Siti Nadzirah bte Ibrahim. If you know this person, please contact. I tried to find her through internet and Facebook, but still no luck. I wish I could reunite with her. She is one of the friend that come but hard to let go. 

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