Friday, 31 January 2014

Refugees crisis in host country: Who to be blame?


I've been busy, busy, busy with many, many, many things. That's explained why I seldom blogging lately. Actually there are many things in my mind that I love to pour out here, but time envy me. I have very little time to spend on jotting down my thoughts and opinions.

Well, yesterday, my husband told me that his colleague is the son to one Malaysian activist. When I found out who is his mother, it flashed automatically on her report about refugees in Malaysia and on how they been treated by local authorities. 

I believe everybody has soft spot for refugees. They have to leave their country, without their belongings, walk for thousands miles into other's country, hoping people to accept them. Many countries in the world open their border for refugees, e.g Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, France, Malaysia, Indonesia and many others. Many countries open opportunity for resettlement program like the USA, Australia, New Zealand and Norway. 

Many stories reported that host countries ill treated those refugees. I take Malaysia, my country, for example. Reports by activists that Malaysians and the local authorities give poor treatment to the refugees been spread throughout the world. Malaysia, a country that is full of immigrants from many countries, like China, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Nepal, Indonesia, Philippines; just naming a few. And yet Malaysia plays a role as host countries to asylum seekers from Iran, Iraq, Myanmar, Pakistan, India; to name a few. 

Being a host country is not easy as it sounds like. It is noble, but not easy. Take example that people come and stay at your house. You have your own rules and not people have their own way that sometimes isn't tally with your way. The refugees that come to other countries, bring along their way of lifestyle, which most of the time doesn't fit in the local society. For example, it is normal for some refugees parents to let their kids play freely at outside. But to the host country, it is a dangerous move to let the kids play alone as the kidnap, rape and murder cases are uprising. With that, it adds the problem to the host country to curb the cross culture issue. 

The refugees as well, that illegally enter the host country, will quietly try to blend with local community. With this, it meant that they will be a part of the host country's economy growth by taking up job. This will increase the competition with the local workers. This also will bring unhealthy competition as most of the refugees are unskilled workers but they are the chosen ones because the labor cost is cheaper than the local who are semi-skilled worker. This issue will create another problem; low quality end result. 

Refugees normally come from poor or undeveloped countries. They are also been neglected by their ruled government. Mostly they are not vaccinated and largely they enter the host country with diseases. This will increase the host country's medical expenditure. The refugees who need medical assistance should be treated because if fail it will spread to local citizens. The refugees in Malaysia also practice poor hygiene and have not much knowledge hygiene and diseases. I experienced a family who came for interview for resettlement program where two of the family members were having chicken pox. They were happy sipping soda drinks outside of my room and acted as if nothing unusual happened. When I questioned the head of the family member, he didn't know what happen to his daughters and I had to become the doctor, explaining about chicken pox to the family, and that the daughters shouldn't go out publicly as they might spread the disease to others. 

No country loves to have prison. Common sense tells us that having prison and detention center bring nothing but a burden to the country. We will be wasting tax payers money by supporting the inmates expenses on food and lodging, the maintenance of the facilities and human resource mobilization. However, in my home country, Malaysia, we have several immigrant detention center. Who is in there? Some of them are refugees. But why are they there? Because they offend the host country's home rules. It is an ideal situation if the refugees stay rationally in the host country. However, we can't deny that they are human like us, too. And they have the ability to make mistake like local citizens that validate them to be place in local detention center or prison. But what made them stay in the detention center longer than they should be? Many factors lead to this; for example, the language barrier. I used to work with translator when I interviewed the refugees. I have no idea why don't they try to learn to speak in local language or at least English. Perhaps because they live among their community in host country. The refugees also always tend to be detained longer than they should because of their capability in committing crime. The refugees mostly come from torn country where crime and violence are common scene in their daily life. So, when they come to their host country, they tend to bring in their previous lifestyle. And the locals take advantage by hiring them to commit crime and it traps the refugees. Who to be blame? the refugees who commit crime or locals who take advantage on them? But most of activist will blame the local authorities for detaining them. 

I read an article written by local activist on the detention camp in Malaysia; on how the authorities treat the refugees and the condition of the detention camp. I believe the above explained the situation and we should stop blaming one or another, but we should work together to make our country a better place to live. 

1. I believe most local authorities will put their integrity at the highest place when they carry out their duty. 

2. I believe the host country citizens have sympathy on the refugees. Not many, but some enjoy taking advantage on other's weaknesses and this is what happening to the refugees.

3. Although it is an unfortunate event to what happen to the refugees, but they have full responsible towards themselves. To are many organisations and agencies that protect them and guide them to blend with local. The refugees are urge to drop the 'old' lifestyle and adopt a new way according to the host country culture, to make your transition easier. 

4. To the activists, stop pointing fingers to your local authorities or local people, but work more on how to help the refugees to blend in our society. 

5. I believe everybody welcome guests with open hand, as long as the guests wouldn't bite their host's hand.

Thursday, 23 January 2014

Routine- tips to change your lifestyle

Assalamualaikum and how are you? We are fine on this hot summer. It is 31 degrees at 9 pm!

Have you taken your breakfast? And where did you have it? When I was in Malaysia and still working, I usually have it at home or sometimes I spent at outside with my friends. During weekend, Juma and I would bring the kids to mamak join or Mc Donald for breakfast. Worst come to worst, he would packed some food for us. The idea is not to cook at home. Usually we will have roti canai (paratha) or tosei or nasi lemak. The drink will be teh tarik or any ice drink.

And this is the routine that I brought together with me to Australia. My husband, who love me endlessly, went along with it. Every weekend, since I reached Perth, he would bring me to Canning Vale market where we can purchase nasi lemak at AUD 3.50 and a cup of coffee at AUD4.00. The nasi lemak tasted awful, cold as it just came out from the fridge; totally opposite from the way it suppose to taste like. The coffee was good but with AUD 4.00, I could get more than only a cup of coffee.

It hit me hard at that time, to revalue our expenses, to adapt with the changes and to give up few routines. From then on, we stopped having breakfast at outside, we dine out once in a month, plan our groceries expenses and buy second hand stuff at garage sale, instead of buying new things at mall. 

Malaysia, my home country is having hard time in terms of financial wise. The citizens are urge to cut their expenses. I believe it is not hard to do it as long as you are willing to change your lifestyle. Here are some tips: 

1. Food: pack food for your lunch. It is cheaper to buy raw material and cook by yourself then to eat out. And it is way healthier. 

2. Food: stop going to fine dining places. Yes, stop! They charge more than they should, in the name of service. It is delicious? Cook by yourself! It is not difficult plus it is gonna be fun!

3. Clothes and shoes: stop buying branded clothes. Many affordable labels offer high quality product at reasonable price. 

4. Clothes and shoes: if you have children, pass down their older sibling's clothes to the younger, if the condition is still fine. It's fine to wear mint condition clothes. Nothing to be ashamed of. So does clothes. You can pass it around with your friends or siblings too. Sharing is caring. 

5. Clothes and shoes: if you have too many clothes, do spring cleaning and donate the ones that you can't use it anymore. Or the one that you seldom use. Somebody's trash is other's treasure. 

6. Travelling: if your office could be access by public transport, it is wise to use it rather than to use your own transport. You can save on fuel and parking fees. I understand that the public transportation always crowded, but you can always start your journey early. Plan your journey. 

7. Travelling: You can do car pool as well. I've done this before and it is fun! There's always somebody to chat with while being stuck in the traffic jam. Plus cost saving! 

8. Leisure: Instead of bringing your family to shopping malls during weekend, why don't you bring them for picnic? Parks usually offer lots of free parking lot and bring home cook meal for picnic. But make sure you clean up the area after finish. Or make little gathering with your friends, like pot luck. Take turn to organise. 

9. Car: Buy car according to our budget. It is an essential item, however, people nowadays take it wrongly. They 'dress up' their car that towards the end, they left no money for food and other important things. Prioritize your needs. It becomes a culture to change car whenever they finish pay up the loan. Free yourself from loan! Look, if you drive to work, most of the time your car will be park at the car park. It means that most of the time in a day you don't need it. So live with what you have. Unless the car gives you such a big trouble; e.g the cost of maintenance is high, your family expanding, don't change your car. It will save up lots of your income. 

10. Party/ wedding/ Aqiqah: As saying said, you get married once in your life time. Make it a memorable one. But many take this saying wrongly. They thought it should be an extravagant wedding to match the word memorable. With this, the cost of the wedding bomb up, more than they afford. The dais, the gifts, the wedding outfit, the doorgift, the food and the list goes on and on. I'm afraid that the memory that you get from your wedding is working extra hard to earn extra money for the event. Or climbing the bank stairs while applying for bank loan. This can be avoid if you know how to match your wedding budget with your own budget. Be realistic. Stop thinking about others think. Think of your future, think of the money that you can save to give your new family a better life. Same goes to your kid's birthday party or aqiqah event. It's fine to spend some money to celebrate your love ones as long as it is not wasting. 

There are many more ways to save up our money to make our future brighter. Just remember, our live is not at the up always, At a time, we will be at down. So this is the time for you to save up to cushion yourself when you at the bottom. 

Saturday, 18 January 2014

What's Your Name?

Kids always make new friends at playground. It is not an exceptional to my kids as well. Maleec Ismael, as the eldest, always been asked about himself.

Kid: What's your name?
Maleec: I'm Ultraman Mebius.
Kid: Huh? What's that? ... Err... What's your brother's name?
Maleec: He is Ultraman Zero.


Sunday, 12 January 2014

Perth is the hottest place on earth!

Assalamualaikum and happy weekend to all my readers! How's your weekend so far? Mine is great. Alhamdullillah it is a wonderful weekend. It is an intimate family time. I put off my business hat and put on mommy hat. And focus on the family. What did we do? We stay at home and enjoyed ourselves around each other. 

Yesterday, 11 January 2014, marks as the hottest day in Perth for six years. And yesterday too, Perth becoming the hottest place on the planet. It was scotchy hot day. The heat was as bad as the summer in Kuwait. You can feel your face is burning once you step out of the house. Mainly we stayed indoor but we did went out for two garage sales and went to Cetro in Maddington for a quick groceries shopping. 

In the news, there was a burning place somewhere in Perth and some helicopter helped the fire brigade to stop the fire. Subhanallah. The authorities also advised Perth residents to stay indoor and to keep on pumping water into our body to stay hydrated. 

I stayed lazy at home and watched televison with hubby and kids. And when I browsed my Facebook account, I saw a status update from a friend that she made butterscotch sauce. It gave me an idea to try out new recipe of bread pudding. And in 15 mins, my bread pudding was ready in the oven and my butterscotch sauce made my kitchen smelled good. I will share the recipe in other post. Meanwhile, enjoy this lovely picture of my bread pudding with butterscotch sauce. 


Thursday, 9 January 2014



How's your day so far. Mine is good, but seems it is summer, the weather is pretty hot and it kinds of driving my spirit away. Once the clock ticks to 1pm, my eyes will automatically calling for a shut off. Argghh!!

Alhamdullilah for today, my strength to stay awake is stronger and here I am, enjoying my me-time. I'm sitting on the sofa, laptop on my lap and writing this blog. Yes, that is my me-time. 

I think you are having a time off for yourself when you are reading this. And I hope I feed you with something worthy because time is precious for mothers. How do you define me-time? To ma, anything free from work, kids and something that I can on my own without worrying about anything- is a me-time. But how I enjoy my me-time is different from the time I have a child and when I have two children. 

Back when I had Maleec without Aaron, my me-time means out to the shopping mall, or pampering myself in spa, or hanging out with friends in cafe. And when I was in Malaysia, it was affordable to have that kind of me-time as well. I sent them to my mother-in-law and off I go. But it is not usually happened. Perhaps once in a blue moon. 

But now, since I'm alone in Perth, me-time is having a complete time for myself on bed while Aaron and Maleec are playing, or when Aaron is sleeping and Maleec is watching television, or when their daddy takes care of them. I also enjoy watching tv series on my laptop, but it only happens when all my kids are fast asleep at night. 

I don't think I have more me-time when I have a child compare to when I have two children. But the way I enjoy it is different.

How about working mothers? When do they find their me-time? In my opinion, working mother has more me-time than stay at home mother. While at work, you are child-free, out for lunch with friends, have time not to think about you house condition. But again, the definition depends on how you see the situation. 

Time for yourself wouldn't come to you as a mother, but you have to earn it. manage your time, manage your expectation and in shaa allah, you will find it. If you have some spare time, use it wisely, because time is precious. 


Wednesday, 8 January 2014

Halal buthcher in town: Maddington Meats

Asslamualaikum and good morning. Happy Thursday, all! A few steps to weekend, yippee!!!

Are you a Muslim who is looking for halal butcher that offer a wide range of meat? Please come to Centro Shopping Complex, Maddington. And you will find Maddington Halal Meat, just in front of Woolworth. 

Check out their meat that's on special price
If you want to have barbecue, here is the right place to get your supplies. The steak, the rib-eye, and they also have marinated beef and chicken. 

They also have special price on certain products on certain day. I totally forgot the exact amount, but one day, my husband bought six chicken at a very bargain price! The total price for six chicken equal to the normal price of three chicken, 50% off! 

You also can get Lebanese bread supply here. I usually get the Lebanese bread here to make wrap for my husband's lunch. 

Their address:


From Railway Station to Boat Ride

Assalamualaikum all! 

Let's check out how was our weekend!

On Saturday morning, we went to few garage sales. It is our routine to check out garage sale because we love the surprise we get. You never know that you need the item until you found it in the garage sale. For example, we never look for waffle maker, till we found it and now it is our breakfast saver. However, for this week, nothing much attract us. 

Then, off we went to Gosnells Railway Market. Apparently the market situated in the old railway station. The ticket machine and the the railway are still exist. The market is divided into three areas; the wet market where you can find seafood, vegetables and fruits; the food court with many kind of cuisines from Asian to pizza, and some Halal stalls; and the shops - clothes, books, spa, massage house and toys shops. We thought of having our lunch at the food court, but we changed mind and ended up in Perth City. 

Aaron and I

Hubby brought us to a Malaysian restaurant, Insan's Cafe. It was his favorite cafe when he first landed in Perth. He ordered mee bandung and teh tarik for me and he had nasi campur. He bought a box of pizza for the kids from Pizza hut hich is two doors away from the restaurant. The mee bandung was fairly delicious. i miss having mee although it isn't my favorite noodle. The teh tarik wasn't 'kaw' enough. I assume it is the instant teh tarik. Oh I miss Malaysia!

Mee Bandung

Nasi Campur

Later, we walked down the road towards the Bell Tower till we met kangaroo statues and camera -whoring for almost half an hour! In the middle of the day, under hot sun! Haish! And we strolled down the part with big trees. Seriously beautiful and breathtaking. The park led us to the Bell Tower and the Barrack Jetty. Many cruises stop at the jetty, as you can choose to stroll down Swan River, or go to Fremantle which will take up to an hour or just across the river, like what we chose to do. The fare is $2 for adult and free for kids below 5 years old.

This tree is freaking huge!

The view from the jetty looking over Perth City

I'm wearing FAITHFatin Paisley Collection. You can get it here

The journey took several minutes for us to cross the Swan River to South Perth. Immediately after the jetty is a playground. That was where we 'parked' ourselves and the kids dived into the playground. I must say that they totally had fun. What a great family day for us!

View of Perth City from South Perth

Watching over my kids

One leg standing

Wednesday, 1 January 2014

Hello 2014!


How did you spend your first day of 2014? 

It was a simple day; relax and intimate family day. 

We eat, we laugh, we play and we rest. 

As most of the malls are closed today, hubby and I decided to stay at home. Although we thought of spending the day at beach, but we changed our mind due to the weather. However, the weather was lovely during the day, but it is pretty cold now, at night. 

Our family hardly have our breakfast at outside. I had a burger in the morning and the kids and hubby had toast bread. And we headed to the Macca's playground. I could tell that Maleec and Aaron really had a good time playing there. They made friends, they ran all over places and had ice cream too. 

As for lunch, we had barbecue at our alfresco. hubby marinated steaks and chicken. We had corns and sausages too. It was nice. Very nice. 

We spent our late afternoon snoring on bed. Everybody on a bed! And now I'm like a zombie; can't get to sleep. Top of all, I'm bless with what I have today, and NOW! Alhamdullillah!

It isn't complete the new year without flashing back on what happened on the past year, and speaking out loud on new resolutions and hope. But to me, I am bless with what I have now and hope nothing but the best in everything.